Thursday was a very special day. I got invited to a very special banquet at the University. It was a celebration for the 25th anniversary of one of the University scholarship program "Critical Difference for Women".
I walked into the room. I was told to go to table #2 . Think nothing to it as it was table #2. Found out that it was the "center" table". I went to look for my "place card" and passed " President G --" " Mr. Andrew S..." My heart stop ! Can't be! I am sitting here??
How in the world did I get so lucky! Those who know me know that I don't act too good if I am off guard... Well, I was nervous. Trying to maintain my composure as I was not prepared....
I am glad I had my camera...
I was sitting next to Mr. S - The Vice president of Development of the university...
My husband asked when I came home... "so?..."
I said, " I was so stupid, I was so nervous that I did not talk much (ME?? YES ME!) I did not even tell this man about my dream to have the university partnership with a university in Indonesia so we can trained SLP in Indonesia and surrounding countries..." It was my dream...! But sadly, I did not say a word!
Though it is an urgent matter! Indonesia, the 4th most populous country in the world ONLY have 300+ speech therapists! The highest degree "ahli madya = associate" some got bachelor in education (because SLP is a major within education dept there)... It was 60 yrs behind what we have here in the U.S
My wise husband said, "Oh well.. Perhaps it wasn't the time... Perhaps God just use the time to introduce you to them... If you share now, they may not be interested..." I LOVE my hubby!
I got to take a picture of all of us sitting on the table together... But I couldn't be in it while taking the picture... So my place setting and name card was in instead of me.
Finally, after the banquet was over, I asked the president for a picture. He graciously agreed...
Everything happened because of this great woman. Ms. Ingrid. She is the Senior director of coke (that C-C company). 25 years ago she agreed to partner with the University to set up scholarship for women who had interrupted their education due to family responsibilities and "life"....
I was one of the recipient. For as long as I am in school and have certain GPA they will give me money every year... Money that can be use to help pay childcare, etc....
I still remember the day that I got the news 2 years ago. I was on the campus bus. Check my phone and saw the email. I read and I was stoked, shocked, lost it. I called my dear hubby and cried.
I wasn't expecting it one bit. My husband and I just talked about our finances, calculating college etc the day before. I was struggling... I felt bad to ask my family to move from living quite comfortably to living on a "budget" while I am in school. However, my husband and I believe that this is God's will and we must obey. I am glad we did take that first step of faith. It has not been easy but it has been AWESOME to see how God works through it all!
I got off the bus. Got into my car. Turned the radio on. This song started...
So I sat in the parking lot... crying... Amazed...
I am amazed by everything God has provided!
He has shown us over and over again.. He is providing for the next school year too! Read it here " Jehovah Jireh: my provider
In everything GIVE THANKS :-)
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